You should not expect anything to happen here. You'd best lean
back, relax and wait.
You may also read a book, do some knitting or cooking for your
The main point is that you stop looking at
this .
Personally, i like slow web connections because
one has more time to wait.
If you do not, you can also try
Für unsere deutschsprachigen Zuseher ist selbstverständlich
eine spezielle, für sie verständliche Fassung
This page has been prepared using the latest available software technology,
it includes fancy stuff such as multi-coloring, hyperlinks and graphical
elements. The design follows commonly accepted guidelines for timeless
publishing. Be sure to have the latest version of your favorite Internet
Browser (which is likely to be from Netscape) to experience total delight
and satisfaction.
From time to time this site is considered to be readable; then, the
"Under construction" warning is removed - don't miss this rare
Generally, this site is totally superfluous.
Now that you've found it (and i really wonder how - and why!?),
you certainly are disappointed.
Though, some really interesting things have been collected for your
personal convenience.
Well, this page has not been created automatically. Certainly, for the
sake of objectivity this would have been preferable.
For all who do not want to know intimate details about the maker -
stop reading at once.
I was born. The name i was given is Thomas Grill. No joke.
I can't really remember parts of my previous
life but i definitely know what i'm doing right now.
Oh yes, I am living. I am dwelling.
I am breathing.
Besides, sounds and music have a great influence on my existence, as
they tend to whirl the air i'm wandering in. This gives some refreshment
here and there. If you too are interested in disturbed quietness you may
want to have a look into the musical universe.
Sometimes i try to produce sounds myself; naturally, these are not presented
Or maybe, wait...... why not?!
Quite regularly, i buy a book or watch a movie.
Only one hint: Don't leave out one single book of Thomas Bernhard,
the giant of Austrian literature.
Now, let's tackle the really important facts of life.
We tend to become older! Did you realize it already?
What is your reaction then?
You may send your answer to the eternal audition by duplicating the
following procedure:
Open a DOS command line window.
At the prompt type "copy con nul" to initiate the transmission.
Now you may enter your ultimate answer. You can use multiple lines, too.
Be sure to end your input with ^Z (aka Ctrl-Z).
After your text has been copied, you may wait for the ratings.
What else?
Feel free to contact me and expect
being answered.
But consider: You are only one of
If you also don't like your mail to be read by system administrators,
FBI agents or other terrorists you should use PGP
for encryption!
Here, you can download my DH/DSS key or, alternatively,
the RSA key for older versions of PGP.